Sunday, November 16, 2014

I'm back with good news!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here. Two years to be exact. A lot has happened in these past two years in regards to my OCD. In my last post , I was talking about a new SSRI drug called Pexeva. The prescription price for that drug was free. I never could quite understand why that was. But anyway I was taken off of the Pexeva and put on Prozac and Risperidone. The Prozac didn't seem to be helping me at all so I was taken off of that. I was put on an anti depressant called Viibryd. As for my OCD, I am just about completely free of it. I don't seem to do the rituals anymore. I do still check on things periodically. Like for instance the ashtrays. It's funny because my cigarettes tend to go out if I don't smoke on them but I still have to check. I just can't shake that feeling that the house is going to burn down if I don't. Coincidences don't seem to bother me as much as they once did. It depends on the situation really. I still get unwanted thoughts from time to time. I hate that but it's just something I have to deal with. So on a scale of 1-10, 1 being minuscule to minor and 10 being extremely severe, I'm at about a 4 with the unwanted thoughts. Which I feel is fantastic considering where I was just two years ago. Certain things that triggered my OCD are out of my life now too and that's a big help. One of them was my job. All of the negativity and stress and tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My activities at home are another big part of making my OCD act up. I used to just sit and pine away waiting for something that was never going to happen. Now a days I keep busy doing things around the house. I don't feel like a prisoner anymore. I do find that I still have the numbers game in my head. For instance, if I'm in the produce dept at the store buying fresh fruit, I always have to make sure that I buy an even number of items. ie: 4 apples, 2nectarines, 6 bananas etc.... But that doesn't really bother me. Well, I've got some laundry to do so I think I'll stop here for now. It sure is good to be back. Until next time.

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